Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hello World!

I’m Lexy North, the Graphic Designer and Marketing Specialist here at Light Elegance in beautiful Redmond, Oregon.  I graduated from Portland State in August ‘11 with a degree in Graphic Design and Advertising. This blog will detail my experiences here—what it’s like to start my career, work behind the scenes at Light Elegance and in the nail industry. You are invited to come with me on this adventure as I walk, run, sleep, eat and breathe the Light Elegance path.

I work in the office five days a week, handle the social media (Facebook and Twitter), and design an incredibly wide array of creative projects. Who gets to come up with the fun names of all those colors? Me! I also get to travel all over the United States, go to the trade shows and meet nail techs! Spending time talking one on one with our customers is probably the most exhilarating and self-fulfilling feeling I have experienced professionally. Knowing that what we produce here not only makes nails beautiful but helps the careers of our nail techs is a responsibility and a privilege that I take very seriously.

Being one of the newest employees here at Light Elegance has been truly something else!  Seeing how this business has been run so efficiently for the last 10 years is one of the most impressive things I have experienced.  The way the staff treats the clients is a lesson unto itself, but the way they treat each other is equally impressive.  We are family here, and I was welcomed with wide-open arms from the minute I walked through the door. I LOVE what I do, and I LOVE who I work for. I get to learn from wonderful educators and my bosses, Jim and Lezlie.  PLUS, I get to tell the world how great Light Elegance is— how easy is that? The product pretty much sells itself, so the job isn’t too tough :)

I went to Sweden with Jim McConnell (the President of McConnell Labs, our product chemist) a few months back, and WOW, what an experience.  I got to meet some of our most respected distributors and learn a brand new culture.  And I made some life long friends along the way.

Light Elegance runs through my veins. The leadership of Jim and Lezlie—reminding us of the important things—make us want to work hard and perform our jobs perfectly, and I think I speak for the entire staff on this one. I’m eternally blessed and grateful.

See you soon with another adventure from Redmond.